(514) 937-4772


We’re impressed with our curriculum, now it’s your turn!

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We’re impressed with our curriculum, now it’s your turn!

Explore the curriculum journey that your children are embarking upon! 

General Outline

Our students Jewish study spans the gamut of Jewish experience, from Hebrew reading, Israel, Jewish history, Holidays and Shabbat, Jewish values and Torah fundamentals.

Goals and Outcomes

Our Hebrew School is built on several fundamental outcomes, allowing you to feel confident in your child’s progress. Your child will graduate with a strong of tools, including Hebrew reading, prayers, and obtaining ownership of Jewish holidays and how-to’s for most Jewish practices.

Educational Method

We recognize that each child has a different way of learning, so we take a multi-sensory approach to ensure every child is reached and can truly experience what they are taught.

Aleph Champ

Aleph Champ, modeled after the Karate Martial Arts system of motivational colored levels, breaks up the Hebrew reading process into bite sized motivational levels which makes it more kid friendly and exciting.

Westmount Hebrew is a project of Chabad Westmount Educational Centre