WHITE Aleph Homework
Mastery of the first seven Hebrew letters; vowels; kamatz, patach and tzerei. Blending two-syllable words.
RED Aleph Homework
Mastery of the first ten Hebrew letters; vowels; segol and shva. Blending three-syllable words.
ORANGE Aleph Homework
Mastery of the first fourteen Hebrew letters; vowels; cholam moleh, cholam chaser, and chirik. Blending four-syllable words.
YELLOW Aleph Homework
Mastery of the first nineteen Hebrew letters; vowels; koobootz, shoorook, and Chataf kamatz, patach, and segol. Blending five-syllable words.
GREEN Aleph Homework
Mastery of the first twenty three Hebrew letters. Consolidating all vowels. Blending six-syllable words.
BLUE Aleph Homework
Mastery of all Hebrew letters; Consolidating all vowels. Blending seven-syllable words.
PURPLE Aleph Homework
Consolidating all Hebrew letters, vowels and words learned so far. Hebrew reading exceptions.
BROWN Aleph Homework
Fluency of basic prayers.
Westmount Hebrew is a project of Chabad Westmount Educational Centre
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(514) 937-4772 extension #3
4 Westmount Square, Suite 110